SMA Europe Annual Meeting, Rome
Last week SMA Europe held its' Annual Meeting and General Assembly. This year, we were hosted by Famiglie SMA in beautiful and sunny Rome.
During three days between 9th and 11th of June we had an opportunity to meet and get to know each other, learn and share our knowledge during different workshops, understand better our projects and even visit the "classics" of the amazing and full of history city of Rome.
We also had a lot of gelato, of course...
From SMA Europe we strongly believe that these meetings bring us closer and make possible fullfilling common goals of our organisations. Thank you so much for attending and being an active part of our community.
All together. One goal.
Sending a huge THANK YOU to our representatives who led different workshops and General Assembly as well as to all Members that have attended the meeting: Spierziekten Vlaanderen vzw, SMÁci - Pacientská organizace SMA, Téléthon France, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke e.V. DGM, Famiglie SMA, Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds, SMA Ireland,, Fundacja SMA, Fundame, Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK, SMA Schweiz, STOP SMA Macedonia/ СТОП СМА, Діти зі спінальною м'язовою атрофією, Children with SMA, SMA Russia, SMA Romania, SMA Benimle Yürü and SMA Derneği.