Nicole Gusset becomes the new CEO of SMA Europe
From SMA Europe we are excited to announce the appointment of Nicole Gusset as our new CEO.
Nicole Gusset has extensive experience working alongside SMA Community. Nicole’s first-born daughter Victoria was diagnosed with SMA Type II in 2011. As a result of this, in 2012, Nicole founded the patient organisation SMA Schweiz. She has been appointed as the President of SMA Europe since 2021 and now, will be holding the position of CEO in SMA Europe.
“I am excited to serve as SMA Europe’s first CEO and wish to express my gratitude to all our national member organisations for entrusting me with this important role. I truly hope to lead SMA Europe in a way that highlights the relevance of what we can achieve TOGETHER as one community. Only together with our members, with our partners and with every single person living with SMA, we can make a difference. Our long journey to our first medicines was acting like a strong glue for our community. We had one clear common goal for which we were all fighting. Today, luckily, we are facing a new era – with many new opportunities but also challenges lying ahead of us. One is to ensure that we do not lose that glue keeping us together as one community – here in Europe, but also across the globe!”
Dr. Nicole Gusset, CEO SMA Europe