SMA Newsroom

Feb 27, 2025

Call for Research no. 12. Learn about the shortlisted projects!

We are proud to announce the five scientific projects that have been selected for funding through our Call for Research no. 12.


Launched every two years, the Call for Research aims to support research proposals that address the needs of people living with SMA and demonstrate a clear pathway to impacting those in the short or longer term. The projects are evaluated by SMA Europe's Scientific Advisory Board, which consists of neuroscientists and neurologists with specialized expertise in SMA research, along with external SMA expert reviewers.

Starting with the 12th edition, a Community Review Panel (composed of expert patients or caregivers with a strong background in research and/or patient advocacy) has been established to further incorporate patients' priorities and needs into the proposal selection process. The projects selected through the 12th Call cover various aspects of the condition and its biology, to enhance our understanding of its pathophysiology and develop new therapeutic approaches for the future.